Monday, 24 October 2011

Self-Storage Not Working

Transferring archives to self-storage may alleviate a shortage of office space but it brings its own difficulties and inefficiencies.

There are a number of factors acting against self-storage being a workable long-term solution for the storage and management of archives:

§  Archiving and file retrieval are generally the most disliked office functions

§  Files expand to fill the available space

§  The natural way of things with archives is chaos

It is difficult enough for staff to deal with these factors and manage files in your office – even more so in a remote facility

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Awkwardness Over The Turkey

You know things are going downhill when a relative at the Thanksgiving table says to another, “What do you mean by that?”  At that point the awkwardness kicks in. Then so much for the thankful part. Family functions are often times when all those unresolved issues from all the years past sit down with us at the table. We try to pretend everything is all right.  But despite believing it is hidden from immediate view the tension is very evident to everyone present. 
And then the rest of the day is spent watching each other to build up ammunition for what will be talked about at Christmas. Who got up from the table first? Who fell asleep after dinner? Who had a second plate of turkey?
I wish we didn’t put so much pressure on ourselves this holiday. Bottom line, I just want to be grateful; grateful for the fact that I have a family… that I have a great country to live in… that I am alive and kicking today.  And I find that in my moments of gratitude, when I am truly thankful, I tend to forget the past wrongs done to me.
Today I want to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. I wish for you a strong sense of gratitude that will outweigh the frustrations.
And I want to again remind you that we here at File Solutions would love for you to be part of our family of clients… clients who count on us to store and manage their information assets everyday. 
Records and information management is critical to business continuity, legal compliance, customer satisfaction and profitability. Let me help you discover the perfect solution for your business!