Data breaches are on the rise, up 38 % from 2011 to 2012 in the US alone, you or someone you know has probably fallen victim to a breach of personal data. Businesses are not immune to having important information stolen, data thieves are becoming more innovative at sniffing out your businesses information. File Solutions Ltd has dug up some tips from the internet to help protect the critical information of your business to fall into the paws of data thieves.
Determine Critical Data.
In order to create a plan that will be effective in protecting data, a business needs to look at all of its data and figure out the differing levels of importance and activity. The most critical information needs the most rigorous measures to keep it protected, while duplicate and less sensitive data should be made to be more easily accessible. Your business wants to keep its data protected but you also want everything to run smoothly as well.
Establish A Reliable Backup Plan.
It’s happened to most of us at one time or another, your computer freezes or crashes , and always at the worst time it seems. Make sure to back up your data regularly just in case this happens, this way all information is backed up at an offsite data storage facility in case something should happen (fire, flooding) to your business.
Limit The Number Of Users.
Mistakes happen, more often than not a data breach isn`t the fault of the software in place, it`s the person using it. Limiting the number of people who have access to the most critical of information can prevent this from happening.
Make Sure Information Is Encrypted.
Encryption is the linchpin of any data protection plan, whether data is stored offsite or onsite. Backup services usually encrypt your information for you, but make sure to encrypt the information on any company laptop or junk drive, that way if it is lost or stolen there`s little another person can do with the data on the device.
Pass Phrases – Yes! Passwords – Not So Much
Pass phrases are quickly becoming the preferred security measure when it comes to authorized access to company data. These are expressions or combinations of words that are easier for the user to remember than random combinations of letters and numbers yet much more difficult to infiltrate than common personal information . So if you still use your birthdate or “Password 1” for the love of the data gods, STOP!
Protect Against Viruses.
Viruses can be very disruptive to the operation of a business, and are also a threat to security as well. With a virus your computer becomes vulnerable to hackers, giving them access to sensitive and confidential data. Always keep your anti-virus program up to date to make sure your business is protected from such intrusions.
Hopefully with these tips you can prevent your business from a critical data breach or loss, prevent yourself and your company from ending up in the dog house!
thanks to Big Dog Shred Bins for these tips
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