Monday, 4 November 2013

Why Do I Need Document Storage?

Posted on: October 25th, 2012 by Kevin Jones

You may be asking yourself this question and wondering what the benefits of offsite document storage would be to your business.
The paperless office has been promised for a long time ever since the day computers & laptops became commonplace in our offices and daily lives. Unfortunately as the owners of many businesses have discovered the paperless office has yet to become a reality leaving us with large volumes of boxes & files in our Offices, Store Rooms, Basements and roof spaces. These boxes & files can take up a surprising amount of space and sadly destroying the documents isn’t always an option as we may need them in the future or possibly be legally obligated to retain them for a period of time before having them confidentially destroyed.
The most likely solution to your Document Storage needs is the solution offered by File Solutions Ltd. We are a professional document management company and specialize in Document Storage, Document Management, Document Shredding and Secure Vault Storage using our custom built facility.
File Solutions  manage your documents from the moment one of our vehicles picks up your boxes and files to the moment they are either returned to your care or confidentially destroyed in our Document Shredding Facility. All boxes and files are barcoded on collection and scanned onto our vehicle ensuring reliable and complete traceability at all times. On arrival at our Document Storage Facility your boxes and files are scanned again to confirm receipt before being allocated to a specific area of the facility for storage. File Solutions has become a strategic partner of O’Neil Records Management Software & Hardware which ensures that your documents are managed effectively and that there location and status is known at all times
File Solutions Document Storage Facility has been custom built to meet the storage needs of modern businesses and features:
  • Fire & Intruder Alarms linked directly to the emergency services
  • CCTV throughout the facility both externally and internally
  • Access Control which restricts movement around the facility to authorised personnel only
  • Secure Vault Storage for more sensitive documents featuring additional security and an automatic fire suppression system
Additionally our staff are CRB checked and have been highly trained in Document Management providing you peace of mind that your important files and documents are in the hands of professionals.
So to summerise the benefits of offsite document storage for you business would include:
  • Freeing up valuable office space
  • Reducing costs in time and money of managing your documents in house
  • Knowing your documents are being professionally managed by our team of experts
  • Storage in a secure location with state if the art fire detection & intruder control systems
  • Rapid Retrieval of your documents when needed
  • Nationwide Collections & Deliveries by our fleet of vehicles
With these benefits in mind why not find out how we can work with you to manage your Document Storage needs by contacting us today

Friday, 6 September 2013

Don’t Print This Email

We’ve all seen the message.

Tucked neatly into emails, between a friendly signoff and an inspirational quote, it advises readers to think about the environment before they print — and suggests that if they still choose to hit the big green button, they’ll be striking a major blow to our nation’s forests. But how many of us have hovered our cursors over the word “print,” trying to choose between the future of our planet and the ability to annotate documents, take home a hard copy, or work on a report with all our resources at hand? Paper has always been an essential part of our lives, from our first days in school to our everyday work on the job. So, why the sudden push to “delete” this valued resource, in favor of an all-digital world — the much-talked-about, but seldom-realized “paperless” lifestyle?
The phenomenon began with the best of intentions. After all, who wouldn’t agree that paper is a valuable resource, and senseless waste should be avoided? But what about the aspects of paper that just can’t be replicated in the digital realm? From ease of sharing documents, to a familiar sense of comfort, to the way the brain processes information, paper still plays an important role in our lives. And paper manufacturers like Domtar are taking great care to ensure it also plays a role in supporting sustainable forest management. So, maybe it’s not a matter of choosing “to print or not to print,” as much as making the right choice for the task at hand. Below are a few guidelines to help decide when to print, when to save, and why.

Think before you print.

Good advice. Everyone should be responsible when considering whether or not an item should be printed. It may help to think about whether you really need a printout, and how long you plan to keep it. If it's an email you can quickly take care of on-screen, and won't need to reference again, ask yourself whether printing it out really adds value. If not, you may want to skip printing this time. However, if an item needs to be read in detail, written on, and remembered, paper is a reasonable and responsible choice — especially when it's Domtar paper.

To help decide on print vs. pixels, take a look at this infographic. 

Set the records straight.

If you’ve ever been audited, you may have an idea of what it means to keep accurate records — and perhaps more importantly, what it means if you don’t. Hard drives crash, backup systems often fail; and many of us simply fail to keep accurate digital records in the first place. Organizing financial documents on paper lets us see every transaction as a physical object, and file it in a physical place. Maybe that’s why paper has been proven to do a better job in helping us keep track of money matters. Just be sure to save a copy off-site.

Collaborate and connect.

When it comes to connecting with friends online, social media sites have a definite advantage — but in business, sharing and discussing a printed document is still extremely efficient. Maybe it’s because it’s easier to ignore an email than a stack of papers in your inbox. You can jot down messages, affix sticky notes, and show it and discuss with a colleague, your team, or your boss. Paper plays an important role in the way we do business —and when it's used responsibly, it can improve productivity and efficiency.

Make an investment that’s worth more than the paper it’s printed on.

It’s not just about what you print — it’s also about what you print it on. By choosing an environmentally responsible paper from Domtar, you help ensure a sustainable future for the forests that provide the paper you use every day. Domtar paper is certified to the standards of internationally recognized organizations like the Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC®) and Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®).  Domtar is committed to responsible forest management, and has a preference for FSC certification where available. Sustainable forest management practices include the maintaining of High Conservation Value Forests, habitat protection for endangered species, biodiversity for healthy forest ecosystems and safe places for animals to repopulate and plant species to thrive.
Unlike fossil fuels, gemstones and natural gas, which take millions of years to be restored, trees are a truly renewable resource — and the forest products industry plants millions of new trees each day. Paper is also 100% recyclable. So, once you print that document (on an environmentally responsible paper), don’t just throw it away — give it a second life.

Get together.

Both electronic and print media are important, and both impact the environment in their own ways — from the use of natural resources, to energy consumption, to batteries and hazardous waste. But with the right paper and the right choices, it is possible to communicate efficiently, and responsibly. So, should you print this web page? (We’ll leave this one up to you.)

Shared from 

Friday, 30 August 2013

Back to School

Good luck to all the parents who are shipping their kids off to college this weekend. We hope your organization's aren't as unorganized as our 18-year-old's belongings!

Thursday, 29 August 2013

No more white after Monday!

Labor Day has been celebrated on the first Monday in September since the 1880s. The form the observance and celebration of Labor Day took was outlined in the first proposal for the holiday — a street parade to exhibit to the public "the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations" of the community, followed by a festival for the recreation and amusement of the workers and their families. This became the pattern for the celebrations of Labor Day.

I love that phrase… “esprit de corps.”  Essentially it refers to shared morale…  the spirit of the group that make its members want it to succeed…. the stuff that makes you want to get up every day cause you are part of something bigger than yourself.

Here at File Solutions Ltd we start every day believing that. That the records and related information management services we provide our clients is something of incredible value. And together we make great things happen. We have numerous clients in this area who will attest to that.

Bottom line… we would love you to work with us so that you get to experience the kind of service we offer.  We want you to know our passion for making your life and business better doing what we do.

And that means less labor for you.

Records and information management is critical to business continuity, legal compliance, customer satisfaction and profitability. Let me help you discover the perfect solution for your business!

Happy Labor Day!

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

10 Questions for a Potential Records Management Partner

Q: Are your facilities safe from floods, earthquakes and other disasters?
What you need to hear: We carefully select locations for our facilities and take great precautions to safeguard your records from natural disasters and other risks.

Q. Will we have on-demand access to our stored records?
What you need to hear: Absolutely. We employ remote access software to retrieve records as you need them. What’s more, we’ll agree on a set turnaround time for retrieval requests. You’ll get a single view to all of your archived records via our online portal. 

Q. Do you offer indexing and tracking?
What you need to hear: Yes. Our system has discovery, search, query, role-based security access and inventory-management capabilities. You will always be able to find what you need when you need it.

Q. How do you address potential threats like data breaches and corporate espionage?
What you need to hear: We carefully vet all of our employees via an extensive background check. Additionally, role-based security access to our records tracking system protects your information and establishes an unbroken chain of custody.

Q: We're in a volatile climate–our records are crumbling to the touch. Can you make it stop?
What you need to hear: Our climate-controlled facilities are subject to temperature, light and humidity specifications that protect paper and other media from wind, fire, moisture and other destructive elements.

Q. Does your firm practice what you preach by testing your own disaster recovery plan regularly?
What you need to hear: Yes. Periodic tests—conducted at least once a year—ensure that our plan remains effective, even as threats grow and change or new ones emerge.

Q. Speaking of change, regulations change and expand too quickly for us to keep up. How do you all keep pace while offering our company a compliant records management program?
What you need to hear: Even outside of your office, you must maintain compliance with current records management regulations. We keep pace with relevant laws and industry guidance, including HIPAA, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Dodd-Frank Act, FINRA advisories and other regulations.

Q. What kind of ROI can we expect by outsourcing our records storage?
What you need to hear: For starters, off-site records storage can free up valuable office space (yoga room, anybody?). What’s more, when you maintain compliance through proper records retention and secure document destruction procedures, you avoid federal, provincial or industry fines–some of which could be fatal to your bottom line and livelihood.

Q. Our records are spread among multiple vendors. How would you go about putting them all under one figurative roof?
What you need to hear: We can do all the heavy lifting for you—retrieve your records from other locations, sort and organize them. Once that’s complete, we can also advise you on which information may be better suited to other formats.

Q. You've given me all the right answers so far, but we all know talk is cheap. Do you have references from satisfied customers?
What you need to hear: Let us provide you with references so you can see how we've performed in both day-to-day operations and emergency situations.

With File Solutions Ltd in your corner, you can be sure your records will remain safe and sound—and accessible when you need them. 

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Dog Days Of Summer

Have you heard that line…  it’s so hot you could fry an egg on the hood of your car.  My friend told me about someone who did just that. This heat seemed like the perfect opportunity to test that theory. So he tried it. Dumb move the guy admitted. It didn’t really work.

The yoke got into the windshield washer nozzle, and the clear gooey whites ran down and dripped on the fender and now his car smells a bit like it drove through the breakfast kitchen at Denny’s. Lesson learned. Car hoods are not effective cooking devices no matter how hot it feels.

Maybe the heat made him do it. Heat does seem to make people do strange things. 

In the heat of these days I just wanted to remind you that File Solutions Ltd is continuing to manage the documents and files of companies just like yours throughout our region. If you are feeling the heat of dealing with your inactive and archival file situation, then let us cool things off for you by providing the relief of our comprehensive storage management solutions.

Records and information management is critical to business continuity, legal compliance, customer satisfaction and profitability. Let me help you discover the perfect solution for your business!

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Friday, 14 June 2013

Records management – it’s just about storing stuff? Well, isn’t it? Posted by: Paula Smith, Solution Specialist, Innovation, Strategy and Solutions Team

Myth 1: I don’t use paper at all – records management is irrelevant to my role.

The format of the work you produce or receive is irrelevant to records management. Our concern is helping to ensure that businesses, public sector agencies and other organisations do business well, and have the evidence to not only prove this – providing accountability and transparency in their decision-making processes – but also that this information can be leveraged, allowing lessons to be learnt, providing “evidential based decision making” not gut feel decision making. Records management plays a role in helping business processes to be streamlined, made lean, and enabled by sharing business-critical information across work processes – making it more available for use and, by design, more useful.

Myth 2:  Records Management is where I send paper files when I don’t need them anymore.

This is an age old perception – the image of dusty boxes in basements where no sane person ever treads, where things go in but don’t come back out. As most records teams will tell you, they do spend a portion of their time conducting file retrievals – and yes, I can hear you yawning from here. But consider the case where a large council saved itself a million pound pay-out because the records team provided a legal deed of dedication which proved the council’s case – and incredibly fast I might add – also saving time and money for the legal system, a point the judge acknowledged. Or the case where a person who has been adopted wants to trace their biological family and understand more – that information, held usually in paper files and in electronic systems, is brought together by the records team to help you deliver service to your clients.  Have I convinced you yet?

Myth 3:  Records Management staff are really librarians in disguise.

While we share many competencies with our librarian colleagues – and are very proud of that, by the way – we aren’t the same profession. We do have members who come from library backgrounds, but we also have former IT professionals, people from performing arts backgrounds, from communication and legal backgrounds, business analysts, strategists and so the list goes on. Our profession is deliciously diverse, as are the people in those roles, and we are rightly incredibly proud of that diversity – it makes us a unique bunch of people, and a community of varied expertise for both our colleagues in the profession and our organisations to call on.

Myth 4:  We have a PRA (Public Records Act) compliant EDRMS, so our records management needs are fulfilled.

As a vendor, this is one of my favourite myths and one of the most inaccurate. *Puts head on the chopping block.* No EDRM system will, by itself, ever be PRA compliant, or compliant with any regime. As anyone who has worked in compliance regimes will tell you (records or otherwise), a compliant organisation has three things: Effective, trained and supported people, effective and monitored processes and policies, and enabling systems (electronic or otherwise). It’s what I often refer to as the perfect mix; an equilateral triangle. For the best environment, there has to be a balance across all three areas. And in all honesty, and as anyone who works in technology will tell you, technology can only ever do so much; it isn’t perfect, and we all make compromises for other business reasons – user experience, system performance, mobility, business process improvement, to name just a few. The R in records management stands as much for risk management as it does records.

Myth 5: Records management is a public sector issue; it doesn’t apply to private sector.

I guess it depends on whether doing business well is a public sector issue? Records and the information they contain are strategic assets for any organisation – and, like our finances, our people, our buildings, our plant, they require managing to make sure we leverage maximum value from them. The private sector has just as many requirements, if not more, though they will be described a little differently. For example, consider the pharmaceutical company who needs to ensure all of the information about the development of a new drug is appropriately captured so that they can make the right decisions about development, moving through to human trials and then making sure that a competing pharmaceutical company doesn’t gain a competitive advantage by being able to access their intellectual property. All businesses in a post GFC (global financial crisis) environment need to do more with less, so again we need to make sure we have that magic equilateral triangle mentioned earlier: effective, trained and supported people, effective and streamlined business processes, and enabling systems (electronic or otherwise) to help them reduce costs, increase innovation and not repeat failures of the past by learning from the knowledge the organisation has itself captured.

Myth 6: Records managers don’t like to talk to people. So how can they understand my needs?

Anyone who knows me is probably laughing at this one, and while I have to admit that we have people in the profession who are a little shy, there are many – and some of them are my good friends – who love nothing more than spending time talking to their organisations, and their stakeholders; and for many of us this is actually how we spend the majority of our day. Records don’t exist in a vacuum; they are a natural by-product of your business processes. And for any records manager, the key to success lies in understanding the organisation, its needs, its stakeholders and its business processes in order to determine how we can best support you – for that is our role. We aren’t a front of house service (well, unless something goes drastically wrong), but we are a supporting service, an enabler for you – and that can’t be achieved without talking and more importantly listening to you.  So we have people who specialise in the change management and communication side of our profession, those who came from a business analysis background and relish the opportunity to use those skills and share that discipline with the wider team and community.

Myth 7: Records Management adds no value to my business.

We do hear a lot of this from many sides, with comments like: “It costs too much to deliver this programme,” “Show me where my savings are coming from,” and “You’re not a front of house service so where do you add value?” 
I love this challenge, and it is one that we take on every day. Yes, records management isn’t a front of house service, but it is, with other areas, delivering strong foundations for that house, and without strong foundations the front of the house will eventually collapse. We often see “value” as meaning “financial”, costs reductions and revenue generation. And while we can absolutely deliver these things, another value-adding outcome are increased customer satisfaction, as information is not only made more available to people through self-service, but also enabling staff to more quickly complete business processes. And happier customers in a private sector enterprise are typically more loyal, will spend more with you and less with competitors, and in both private and public sector organisations, the less time you have to spend dealing with complaints, the more time and people can be directed to front line services. Other value adds typically include storage cost reductions (electronic and physical) – as we make the best use of storage options based on our use of those business records, increasingly efficient business process – as information is easily shared across system boundaries, while still allowing the right level of security to be applied wherever needed to protect the organisation or the individual.

Myth 8:  Records Management means that everyone has to think like a records manager.

Only if you are doing it wrong. As a good corporate citizen, you need to be aware of the organisational context in which you are now working. Are you a public or private organisation? Does your board or executive care about protecting IP or protecting the rights of citizens? and so on. We don’t expect people to think like a finance manager, but we do expect them to be aware of their obligations, what they can and can’t do, and to follow the framework and procedures we have laid down. The same is true for records. We need you to be aware that it matters and for many reasons, follow the framework that has been put in place and talk to us if you need more help. Simple, isn’t it?

Myth 9: Records Management is dead; we care about content now.

You say tomato, I say tomato, and while this is a source of great debate within the profession, many will tell you that the lines between document, information, record, knowledge, content, and wisdom are becoming more blurred by the day. The professional associations across the world have accepted this and over the last few years we have seen many of them include “information” in the names, not as a marketing ploy, but to acknowledge that the role and responsibility of our profession is wider than has been traditionally accepted. This is largely because the way we work has evolved to the point where we aren’t working in traditional paper paradigms any more, where records are easily identified.  Now we not only have traditional paper files, ministerial and legal memos, but also emails, text messages, intranet and internet sites, RSS feeds, social media, born digital records, records in your EDRMS and records in your line of business applications. And since records management cares about “stuff” at point of creation (and before, to be honest,), our conversations and our responsibilities start right at the beginning.

Myth 10: Records Management is dull!

I can’t tell you, the reader, what you will find dull or exciting. What I can tell you is that for me, there is nothing more exciting than a profession that allows you to work with virtually every person in an organisation, across all levels of the hierarchy, in multiple contexts. That allows you the opportunity to be a Strategist, Change Manager and Change Agent, System Designer, Business Analyst, Consultation and Communication Manager, Information Advisor, Vendor Relationship Manager, Internal Relationship Manager, Marketer, Trainer, Information Architect, System Support, Policy and Procedure Maker, Storage Advisor, Monitor, Performance Manager, Governance Officer and so much more – how can that not be exciting?
Posted by: Paula Smith, Solution Specialist, Innovation, Strategy and Solutions Team. | 23 May 2013

Friday, 24 May 2013

Tips to Protect Your Data – When Burying it in the Backyard Isn’t an Option, thanks to Big Dog Shred Bins


Data breaches are on the rise, up 38 % from 2011 to 2012 in the US alone, you or someone you know has probably fallen victim to a breach of personal data. Businesses are not immune to having important information stolen, data thieves are becoming more innovative at sniffing out your businesses information. File Solutions Ltd has dug up some tips from the internet to help protect the critical information of your business to fall into the paws of data thieves.
Determine Critical Data.
 In order to create a plan that will be effective in protecting data, a business needs to look at all of its data and figure out the differing levels of importance and activity. The most critical information needs the most rigorous measures to keep it protected, while duplicate and less sensitive data should be made to be more easily accessible. Your business wants to keep its data protected but you also want everything to run smoothly as well.
Establish A Reliable Backup Plan.
It’s happened to most of us at one time or another, your computer freezes or crashes , and always at the worst time it seems. Make sure to back up your data regularly just in case this happens,  this way all information is backed up at an offsite data storage facility in case something should happen (fire, flooding) to your business.
Limit The Number Of Users.
Mistakes happen, more often than not a data breach isn`t the fault of the software in place, it`s the person using it. Limiting the number of people who have access to the most critical of information can prevent this from happening.
Make Sure Information Is Encrypted.
Encryption is the linchpin of any data protection plan, whether data is stored offsite or onsite. Backup services usually encrypt your information for you, but make sure to encrypt the information on any company laptop or junk drive, that way if it is lost or stolen there`s little another person can do with the data on the device.
Pass Phrases – Yes! Passwords – Not So Much
Pass phrases are quickly becoming the preferred security measure when it comes to authorized access to company data. These are expressions or combinations of words that are easier for the user to remember than random combinations of letters and numbers yet much more difficult to infiltrate than common personal information . So if you still use your birthdate or  “Password 1” for the love of the data gods, STOP!
Protect Against Viruses.
Viruses can be very disruptive to the operation of a business, and are also a threat to security as well. With a virus your computer becomes vulnerable to hackers, giving them access to sensitive and confidential data. Always keep your anti-virus program up to date to make sure your business is protected from such intrusions.
 Hopefully with these tips you can prevent your business from a critical data breach or loss, prevent yourself and your company from ending up in the dog house!
thanks to Big Dog Shred Bins for these tips

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

About Hard Drive Destruction Services


Identity Theft
If you’re planning on upgrading or disposing of your old computer, hard drive destruction services may be your secure solution. Many people tend to think that deleting the files or erasing the hard drive will be enough to get rid of any important information on the drive before they sell, donate or recycle a used computer. The problem with this is that there are some pretty powerful recovery programs that identity thieves can use to restore all that supposedly deleted information. The most reliable and sure way to dispose of information on a hard drive and make sure it’s gone for good is by having the hard drive shredded.

Hard Drive Destruction Services Provide Secure Disposal

Hard drive destruction services will physically destroy the hard drive by grinding it into small bits of metal with the use of blades mounted on rotary drums. Used hard drives are thrown down a chute where they are ground into tiny bits. It works much like a wood chipper, except that this machine is strong enough to chop up metal. The hard drive parts are then sorted. A magnet is used to remove the metal and the materials are sent for recycling.

Hard Drive Destruction Services Out-Perform Erasure Programs

Businesses, institutions and educational facilities often have large numbers of hard drives containing personal or sensitive data that needs to be disposed of properly whenever they upgrade or replace old computers. In this case, using a hard drive erasure program would be a slow and tedious process, since it can take quite a while to erase even a 40 gig hard drive. Today’s newer and larger drives can take hours and when several drives are involved, it may simply not be practical and in many cases not as secure as needed. Hard drive destruction services are really a more logical solution.

Hard Drive Destruction Services Meet Government Standards

New government standards require that any business that handles sensitive and personal information is responsible for disposing of that information properly, and the only real way to do that with hard drives that have reached the end of their usefulness is through complete physical destruction. Hard drive destruction services will also provide you with documentation of destruction so you have proof that the hard drive was properly disposed of and you can’t get that with a do-it-yourself erasure program.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Why Offsite Record Storage is Something Most Businesses Need: By Steven Hastert

Why Offsite Record Storage is Something Most Big Businesses Need

record storage racks
Nowadays, most businesses have enormous amounts of data for which they must account and manage. This includes added equipment to handle all these electronic records or storage areas to accommodate paper records. Government record-retention requirements for tax and business purposes can make record retention a cumbersome and costly task. Business IT departments have to add records management to the growing list of responsibilities when managing computer systems, networks, software and electronic documents.


Most businesses retain copies of paper documents for at least seven years, some as long as the business is old. When it comes to accommodating several years of documents onsite, the task is cumbersome and hard to manage. Besides having to sort through paperwork manually, on-site record storage takes up valuable office space. Hiring a company to come in and scan all of these documents into an electronic system is one way to offload onsite record storage; another is to choose an offsite storage facility where it may be cheaper to keep business records.

Increased Security

Most of the records a business must keep include proprietary and confidential information. Onsite storage can create security problems and give access to these records to employees or people who should not have access. By moving records to an electronic document management company or offsite records storage, the only people who can gain access to these documents are those previously authorized to do so. Besides the added security, offsite record storage also provides added protection against catastrophes and disasters that may occur.

Time-Saving Search Features

Before sending your records to an offsite storage facility, they are cataloged, categorized and imprinted with a bar code that identifies file contents. This information is added to an office storage company's database, which makes it easy to search for needed records. Instead of having to troll through countless file boxes to find archived or important documents, simple computer search features allow quick and easy access to documents. Most documents can be retrieved within the same or next day of a request.

Protection Against Disasters

One of the most important features of using an offsite storage facility or electronic document management company is the protection offered to businesses' most important documents. When catastrophe strikes in the form of earthquakes, weather problems, floods or other unforeseen disasters at your business location, important documents are kept safe and secure. Most offsite storage companies plan for catastrophes and disasters to accommodate record storage.

Disaster Recovery Plan

Businesses need to consider adding offsite storage for important computer backup programs. By moving important backups from the business location to an offsite storage facility, a failsafe is in place in the event of a disaster. It's important for businesses to develop a disaster recovery plan that includes step-by-step priorities of re-establishing the business. Oftentimes, a company can find online templates to help create a disaster recovery plan. To get a business up and running after such a disaster, having backups at a different location can speed the process along.

Compare Plans and Prices

The state and federal governments use offsite storage companies to archive important and historical documents. If the government uses these resources, it makes sense for business as well. When considering an offsite record storage or electronic documents management company, check the reputation of the company. Review business references and select a company such as File Solutions Ltd, with proven records of accomplishment. Choose File Solutions Ltd, a company that will keep pace with your business needs.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Poor Information Governance Leads can be Costly

Records Management: Poor Information Governance Leads can be Costly

Poor record keeping is causing businesses problems — problems with regulators, auditors and courts.  31 percent of businesses have reported governance issues with their records and documents.   That’s according to a new white paper by AIIM on information governance with a special focus on Records Management and eDiscovery.
The report found a correlation between poor information governance and increased costs relative to litigation and damages.  For those companies that have put good information governance policies in place, in addition to a smaller chance of facing litigation problems, those businesses also typically saw reduction in their storage costs, had better methods for sharing of ‘knowledge resources’, and managed to be able to more quickly respond to events.
Another area the report identified as a problem area with many businesses is email archiving.  About a third have a problem enforcing the storing of duplicate copies of emails, with copies potentially on desktops, laptops and mobile devices.  12 percent of businesses report not even establishing an email archiving policy, much less enforcing it.  Further, most email policies rely on the manual selection, tagging and classifying of emails.  Gradually more automated techniques for identifying important emails are being adopted, but that is happening slowly.  Automated email archiving techniques are expected to improve the results from search and discovery, and also allow retention schedules to be automatically assigned to documents and records so that they can be later identified for destruction when they are no longer needed.
Another set of data included in the report concerned the use of paper.  The report concludes that the demise of paper isn’t here yet, but one interesting statistic uncovered  is that there is  a ‘checkered picture’ phenomenon relative to companies adopting electronic documents versus those who still stick with primarily paper documents.  The report found that many businesses have embraced electronic documents while another group still clings to the use of paper.  42 percent of organizations say that the amount of paper which they need to manage continues to grow.  But 34 percent now say that the amount of paper they manage is decreasing.  Larger companies are more inclined to be reducing their reliance on paper documents.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Records Management Trivia

Here's a trivia question to challenge your records management knowledge: What is the cost in productivity that is lost per worker, per year, due to the inability to find data they need to do their job?

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Keeping the bunny at bay!

This is the time of year when children hunt high and low for eggs and candy supposedly hidden by a giant bunny. It always seemed strange to me that this bunny chose to hide them instead of out them in the most obvious places. Wouldn't that be a little more positive?

But I’m curious to know how many of these treasures just remain hidden each year because they were inadvertently hidden so well.  I know at our house those silly plastic eggs and foil covered chocolates continue to show up for months to come after all of them were apparently found.

With many businesses the same effect happens with their files. As long term retention boxes were being filled, extra files inadvertently make their way into the wrong boxes. And for some universally bizarre reason, it’s always those files that are most needed that end up hidden from view. And they cannot and will not likely be found because they aren't where they are supposed to be.

Our file indexing service can help you to ensure you know exactly what is in each and every box. We carefully inventory every storage box one file at a time so you know with certainty where everything is. We want to find those files that got placed by mistake in the wrong box. Cause when you need them a couple of years from now, even if they were in the wrong box, we can retrieve them quickly.

Records and information management is critical to business continuity, legal compliance, customer satisfaction and profitability. Let me help you discover the perfect solution for your business!

Keeping the bunny at bay!

Do your Documents require a Spring Clean?

Spring time is here already and with the clocks just about to Spring forward now is the time to get thinking about your Spring Clean.  So if you’re struggling with exactly where to start your annual tidy up make sure your first task is to give File Solutions a call, as we can lend a helping hand to get you organised for Summer.

If some of your files are no longer required and are now  just collecting dust in your offices, File Solutions provides Confidential Destruction Services.  Our Destruction Services are highly secure and we will supply you with a ‘Certificate of Destruction’ once the destruction process has been completed, providing you  with the knowledge and satisfaction that we have disposed of your items securely.  We also recycle paper items once they have been destroyed so it’s environmentally friendly too!

Alternatively if you are on a mission to reclaim your office from an ever growing collection of Documents, why not utilize our Secure Storage Facilities?  Our services could save your company money by saving staff time and freeing up valuable office space that could be utilized more effectively!  We take pride in providing the very best Document Storage service

Monday, 4 March 2013

WOW, did not know that!


Many years ago, Al Capone virtually owned Chicago . Capone wasn't
famous for anything heroic. He was notorious for enmeshing the
windy city in everything from bootlegged booze and prostitution to

Capone had a lawyer nicknamed "Easy Eddie." He was Capone's lawyer
for a good reason. Eddie was very good! In fact, Eddie's
skill at legal maneuvering kept Big Al out of jail for a long time..

To show his appreciation, Capone paid him very well. Not only was
the money big, but Eddie got special dividends, as well. For instance,
he and his family occupied a fenced-in mansion with live-in help 
and all of the conveniences of the day. The estate was so large that
it filled an entire Chicago City block.

Eddie lived the high life of the Chicago mob and gave little
consideration to the atrocity that went on around him.

Eddie did have one soft spot, however. He had a son that he
loved dearly. Eddie saw to it that his young son had clothes, cars,
and a good education. Nothing was withheld. Price was no object.

And, despite his involvement with organized crime, Eddie even
tried to teach him right from wrong. Eddie wanted his son to be a better
man than he was.

Yet, with all his wealth and influence, there were two things he
couldn't give his son; he couldn't pass on a good name or a good example.

One day, Easy Eddie reached a difficult decision. Easy Eddie wanted
to rectify wrongs he had done.

He decided he would go to the authorities and tell the truth about
Al "Scarface" Capone, clean up his tarnished name, and offer his
son some semblance of integrity. (Let's set the records straight, Capone
was Sicilian, not Italian.) To do this, he would have to testify against
The Mob, and he knew that the cost would be great. So, he testified.

Within the year, Easy Eddie's life ended in a blaze of gunfire on a
lonely Chicago Street ... But in his eyes, he had given his son the
greatest gift he had to offer, at the greatest price he could ever pay.
Police removed from his pockets a rosary, a crucifix, a religious
medallion, and a poem clipped from a magazine.

The poem read:
"The clock of life is wound but once, and no man has the power to tell
just when the hands will stop, at late or early hour. Now is the only time
you own. Live, love, toil with a will. Place no faith in time. For the    
clock may soon be still."


World War II produced many heroes. One such man was Lieutenant
Commander Butch O'Hare. He was a fighter pilot assigned to the
aircraft carrier Lexington in the South Pacific.

One day his entire squadron was sent on a mission. After he was
airborne he looked at his fuel gauge and realized that someone had
forgotten to top off his fuel tank. He would not have enough fuel
to complete his mission and get back to his ship. His flight leader
told him to return to the carrier.

Reluctantly, he dropped out of formation and headed back to the fleet.
As he was returning to the mother ship, he saw something that turned
his blood cold; a squadron of Japanese aircraft was speeding its way
toward the American fleet.

The American fighters were gone on a sortie, and the fleet was all but    
defenseless. He couldn't reach his squadron and bring them back in
time to save the fleet. Nor could he warn the fleet of the approaching
danger. There was only one thing to do. He must somehow divert
them from the fleet.

Laying aside all thoughts of personal safety, he dove into the formation
of Japanese planes. Wing-mounted 50 caliber's blazed as he charged in,
attacking one surprised enemy plane and then another. Butch wove in
and out of the now broken formation and fired at as many planes as
possible until all his ammunition was finally spent.

Undaunted, he continued the assault. He dove at the planes, trying to clip
a wing or tail in hopes of damaging as many enemy planes as possible,
rendering them unfit to fly. Finally, the exasperated Japanese squadron    
took off in another direction

Deeply relieved, Butch O'Hare and his tattered fighter limped back to
the carrier. Upon arrival, he reported in and related the event
surrounding his return. The film from the gun-camera mounted
on his plane told the tale. It showed the extent of Butch's daring
attempt to protect his fleet.  He had, in fact, destroyed five enemy
aircraft. This took place on February 20, 1942, and for that action
Butch became the Navy's first  Ace of W.W.II, and the first Naval
Aviator to win the Medal of Honor.

A year later Butch was killed in aerial combat at the age of 29. His home    
town would not allow the memory of this WW II hero to fade, and today,
O'Hare Airport in Chicago is named in tribute to the courage of this great man.

So, the next time you find yourself at O'Hare International, give some    
thought to visiting Butch's memorial displaying his statue and his Medal
of Honor. It's located between Terminals 1 and 2.


Butch O'Hare was "Easy Eddie's" son.

(Pretty cool, eh)

Now you know why Chicago airport got its name.
Image removed by sender.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Securtiy ID Cards

When dealing with any one saying there are from File Solutions  make sure they have valid ID with signature verification on the back

Our new ID cards,  barcode,  name, employee name, employee number picture and signature on the back,  very happy with the quality, 

Friday, 1 March 2013

Expected FTC Chair Ramirez Could Push for Global Privacy Rules

Expected FTC Chair Ramirez Could Push for Global Privacy Rules

During Tenure, Commissioner Has Championed Digital-Data Security and Has Been Voice for Non-English-Speaking Citizens

The Federal Trade Commission has reportedly chosen a Barack Obama campaign insider, FTC Commissioner Edith Ramirez, as its next chairman. Ms. Ramirez has a background steeped in antitrust and competition issues, and served as director of Latino outreach for the Obama 2008 campaign. She has indicated support of comprehensive privacy legislation and robust rules around children's data collection.
In addition, Ms. Ramirez, a bilingual Mexican-American, can be expected to champion globalized approaches to consumer privacy protection and to clamp down on fraudulent marketing aimed at Spanish-speaking communities.
Many believed fellow Commissioner Julie Brill would get the nod to replace former Chairman Jon Leibowitz. However, the fact that the Obama administration chose a woman comes as no surprise, considering criticism of the president's male-centric senior advisory staff.
FTC Commissioner Edith Ramirez
FTC Commissioner Edith Ramirez
As a commissioner, Ms. Ramirez is not subject to a congressional-approval process, a factor that also most likely played a role in her appointment. The administration has been embroiled in battles with Republicans over more-high-profile picks. Congress narrowly approved Senator Chuck Hagel to head the Defense Department following a bruising battle with the GOP. Now Republicans have set their sights on Mr. Obama's nominee to lead the CIA, John Brennan.
Politico and The Washington Post were among the first to report the appointment, which the FTC has not confirmed. An FTC spokesperson said the agency "can't comment on the appointment of the next chairman until the White House has made a formal announcement."
The appointment of Ms. Ramirez is somewhat unexpected among Beltway insiders, though she was considered to be in the running. Ms. Ramirez is "just extremely quiet. She's not as vocal and as public as Commissioner Brill has been," said Interactive Advertising Bureau senior VP-General Counsel Mike Zaneis earlier this month. "But in this town, never underestimate the value of political connections," he said, noting the presumed chairman's affiliation with the president.
"Under [Ms. Ramirez's] leadership, we expect the FTC to blaze new ground on privacy -- especially involving mobile devices, digital-data brokers and do not track," noted Jeffrey Chester, executive director of privacy group the Center for Digital Democracy.
Commissioner Ramirez alluded to Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation cross-border privacy rules during an FTC workshop in November on "Protecting Consumers Across Borders," stating, "I believe the FTC is well-positioned to take a leadership role in exploring transnational, enforceable codes of conduct and promoting best practices."
In a 2010 interview with the Federal Civil Enforcement Committee, Ms. Ramirez -- then just named a commissioner -- said, "I intend to be especially involved in technology issues as they relate to the cross-border dimensions of privacy and data security." She continued, "I will also continue to push the commission to think creatively about ways to better educate consumers about risks in the marketplace."
She also stressed her interest in pushing for the FTC to protect Spanish-speaking consumers against fraud. Referring to predatory prepaid-calling-card marketing, she noted, "I intend to be actively involved in FTC initiatives targeting non-English-speaking consumers, especially the large number of those who are primarily Spanish-speaking. I also look forward to further raising the profile of the agency's work on behalf of all minority and underserved communities."

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Odd News Police called on strainer-wearing man

DAYTON, Ohio, Feb. 20 (UPI) -- Authorities in New Jersey said they were called by motor vehicle workers who reported a man refusing to take a pasta strainer off his head for an ID photo.
South Brunswick police said they responded to the Motor Vehicle Commission office in Dayton about noon Feb. 2 on a report of a man refusing to remove the pasta strainer from his head to take his driver's license photo, reported Wednesday.
The man, Aaron Williams, 25, said the pasta strainer was a religious head covering as he practices Pastafarianism, the religion of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
The satirical religion is a movement opposed to the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in schools.
Williams reluctantly agreed to have his picture taken without the strainer and deleted a video he had taken in violation of office rules.
Austrian Niko Alm, who described himself as a Pastafarian, won a three-year battle in his country to have his driver's license photo taken with a pasta strainer on his head.
Topics: Aaron Williams
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